
Showing posts from September, 2023

My Cord-Cutting Experience

 I thought I'd share my "cord-cutting" experience. Also, when my friends  and family ask me how I did it, I can just point them to this blog post. The cord-cutting concept is to continue to subscribe to your cable operator's high speed internet service, while removing all other services --- multi-channel video services (local TV broadcasts, "cable channels", premium services) and landline phone (if you've got that). Cord cutting means that you are removing your video and other unnecessary services from your cable TV package ... and just keeping your internet service . In my town, I only have one internet service provider (ISP) --- my cable company. Should others offer service in my neighborhood in the future, I may select a different ISP, but I don't have a choice today. Why Did I Cut the Cord? My total cable bill was approaching $250 a month for a video / internet bundle. It had been inching up gradually for years. Plus, I was already subscribing to